Children in residential care need to be involved in decision making processes, children need to have a say about who they live with, children to need to have a say about where they live. There needs to be consistent carers at residential care.
Children in residential care should be allowed to have their friends visit. Children in residential care need to know the reason for why they can't live with their families and children in residential care need to know when they will be allowed to return home.

Identified actions
(you might be able to do these, or you might be able to think of something else within your power to do)
Youth residential care organisations needs to be responsive to children they are responsible for. Is there a way for children to have a true say in their own living decisions? How can you implement one?
In any organisation, children should have a right to be involved in decisions which will impact them.
Youth residential care organisations need to listen to children and their wants/needs. Children want a say about where they live, they want consistent carers, they want friends to be allowed to visit, they want to know why they can't live with their families and when they will be allowed to return home. Is this something you can influence or advocate?
Current Partners
Communities for Children has organised a meeting between Alannah and Tracey Ryan who is a Regional Executive Director for Child Safety (Dept of Children, Youth Justice and Multicultural Affairs).
Can you commit to an action above?
Do you have an different commitment you would like to make for Alanah?
We'd like to let Alanah know the reach of impact she has had in community.
Send us an email at hello@australianinstituteofplay.org